Monday, May 11, 2009

*Is* dopamine agonist therapy associated with pathological gambling?

Well, folks, I finally have corroboration from a doctor, published in a peer-reviewed journal (not that I think that means much, but others might) for my assertion that none of the gambling studies to date (which means as of 2007, or early 2008 at the latest), demonstrates the extent of risk of development of pathological gambling when taking dopaminergic meds. Dr. Zand says:
"Thus far, published reports have been able to neither demonstrate the extent of risk for gambling-related problems nor study the correlation of dosage with this potential adverse effect among Parkinson’s disease patients treated with dopaminergic medications."
My absolute favorite bit is this, with reference to the 2005 study by Dodd, et. al.:
"This report, however, did not include the total number of patients exposed to pramipexole, ropinirole or other dopamine agonist agents, so the incidence of pathological gambling could not be estimated."
Which is exactly what i said in my May, 5, 2008 blog entry Pathological Gambling Caused by Drugs Used to Treat Parkinson’s Disease: Yet Another Closer Look, Part Two, albeit not nearly so concisely.

I wonder why this paper didn't get any press whatsoever?

Zand R. Is dopamine agonist therapy associated with developing pathological gambling in Parkinson's disease patients? Eur Neurol. 2008;59(3-4):183-6. Epub 2008 Jan 29.

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